Monday, May 26, 2014

Students never need to stop asking questions....

Watching the video on Annenberg Learner called Workshop 7 Assessing Inquiry, made keep thinking about how students learn in general. From watching the video, I concluded from it all as teachers our job is to never give students the "Yes,your right" or "No, your wrong statements" but to get students to be constantly asking questions about and assessing their own learning. Especially in the subject of science, students constantly need ask questions and find a solution but to extend more in detail by asking more questions.
It makes me think about a little child asking their parent the famous "Why" question. Humans constantly need to ask questions and wonder about things that is how things get solved and revamped.It is like if all the inventors, philosophers, professors, or any great mind thinkers never asked questions where would we be? Teachers need to encourage students to never stop asking questions. I know for fact Ms. Frizzle never did.

1 comment:

  1. I was punished for asking questions when I was a kid (never by my parents). I always said to myself that if I ever teach or have kids of my own, I would NEVER discourage them from asking questions.
