Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Misconceptions in Science....

I found this list of Misconception in Science from different subjects in science that children might have. It talks about misconceptions in astronomy,atmosphere, biosphere, color and vision, electricity, energy, forces and motion, forces and fluids, heat and temperature, light,  and the list continues. Here is an link to the website...

I reviewed the list and found some that were interested and how some students might have misconception about them and research the truth behind them. So below are the misconceptions and my findings.


"The Sun disappears at night" 

-The sun does not go anywhere. What makes the sun look like it disappear is the Earth's rotation. The sun continuously shines on the earth, however it cannot provide sunlight to all parts of the world at the same time. That is why in different parts of the world it night and other parts it day time. Also creates time change.

"Seasons are caused by the earth's distance from the sun"
Earth's tilt is the reason for the seasons. View of Earth in relation to Sun during each of the four seasons. The hemisphere receiving the direct rays of the Sun has summer while the hemisphere tilted away from the Sun, thus getting its rays from more of an angle, has winter.

"The sun is a star"
-This is true, however there is differential between the sun and other stars.

"The Sun will never burn out"
-Yes, but not for a very very long time!



"A mirror reverses everything"
No they don't reverses up and down but left and right
Source: (cute blog)


"Heat rises"

Yes and No... here is blog that is more chemistry complex


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