Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Misconceptions Learning

Misconceptions about learning happens everyday. Asking the most educated teachers, students, or people all will have misconceptions about something. So the question is how do we prevent that from happening? We can't! However, we can try and make it better. My theme of teaching when it comes down to science is teaching like Ms. Frizzle did. Not necessarily, using her big imagination however, getting students to put on their hands on the ideas of science. Students need to get messy and experiment with things being taught. Many students gain misconceptions because of the fact we have many teachers who just stand and lecture or tell their students to read from the book but never actually show them what the actually idea is by using hands on activities. I believe teachers are getting better because a newer generation of teachers are teaching and most of the generation grew up watching Magic School Bus and showed how Ms. Frizzle really showed her students science ideas. However, we don't have the equipment like she did and we are not a cartoon but all have imagination and creative minds to help discuss and try figure out why things are the way they are.

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